SUSTAINAble real estate development
a.k.a sustainable building development
what is it
Some definitions you would find on the internet would be: “the practice of incorporating environmentally-friendly design techniques, materials and technologies into the building process.” This is partially the definition.
For us, it’s taking it further...
There’s no fancy oxford definition for this, however from what we learned (from our previous posts) on sustainability 101 and sustainable development, it would be combining sustainable development into real estate building development.
what do you mean by that
It’s incorporating the 3 pillars of sustainability - economic viability, environmental protection and social equity - all within building development. Building buildings that have these principles (pillars) in mind. Most folks would say it’s just the environmental protection aspect that defines sustainable development. However, if you really want to be entirely true to the meaning then it’s taking all 3 pillars into the building that’s being built into accountability.
Think about it from the environmental side, the human side, and the economies side. And when we say economies, not just thinking about it from your financial savings, but the what are the types of economies you are brining into the building’s site without negatively impacting social, environmental, and cultural aspects of the community.
the statistics
If you look back on the sustainability 101 post, we mention briefly the importance of a building - we spend 90% of our time in our buildings - from living, working, relaxing, learning, playing, etc. (statistics is based on the US. Percentage is slightly lower in other markets, however with COVID-19, these numbers have most likely increased with stay at home orders). These buildings that we spend 90% of our time in have a dramatic impact from the way they are built to the way are up kept (operated).
Let’s understand the stats behind this to help give you the why you should build sustainably.
In the United States, buildings account for:
39% of total energy use
12% of the total water consumption
68% of total electricity consumption
38% of the carbon dioxide emissions
Just by reading these statistics, you can see buildings are 40% of the total energy use in all the uses we use our energy in as whole. 40% - that’s a lot! Buildings can also have the largest potential for significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions compared to other major emitting sectors.
the benefits
Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems
Improve air and water quality
Reduce waste streams
Conserve and restore natural resources
Reduce operating costs
Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services
Improve occupant productivity
Optimize life-cycle economic performance
Enhance occupant comfort and health
Heighten aesthetic qualities
Minimize strain on local infrastructure
Improve overall quality of life
As you can see, adopting sustainable building strategies, we can maximize all pillars of sustainability. Sustainable building methods can be integrated into buildings at any stage, from design and construction, to renovation and demolition.
However, the most significant benefits can be obtained if the in design and construction phase taking an integrated whole building approach in earliest stages of a building project.
For more statistics & Information from our sources, please see:
Statista, World Green Building Council, Green Buildings at EPA, The National Geographic, Sustainability at Harvard School, U.S Green Building Council, The Department of Energy
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